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No Wrong Door: Skills support for Londoners

The cost of living crisis means that it’s more important than ever for Londoners to get the skills they need to progress into good jobs.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, launched major new measures on Friday 15th July to ensure Londoners can get the skills they need to get into good work. This includes key changes to London’s Adult Education Budget (AEB) and £2 million investment in the No Wrong Door programme which will coordinate skills, careers and employment support and ensure that thousands of Londoners have a secure route into employment and out of poverty.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan said:  “Many Londoners are struggling as the cost of living continues to rise. There are huge inequalities in the labour market and not enough Londoners have the skills they need to get into good jobs or progress and earn more in their current roles.

“I’m determined to do all I can to ensure that everyone, especially those who need the most support, can access the skills and job training they need to progress in this city”.

Sarah Murray, Director of Local London added “I am delighted that Local London is working with the Mayor of London on the No Wrong Door programme. This will fund four Integration Hubs across London, focused on coordinating employment and skills provision supporting priority groups, including refugees, disabled Londoners, older Londoners and young Londoners. The Integration Hubs will be delivered by London’s four sub-regional partnerships; Local London will lead on this in East and South East London.”

The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22 managed by the Greater London Authority in London, which provided £500,000 for No Wrong Door. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. The UK Community Renewal Fund: prospectus provides more information.

The UK Community Renewal Fund will provide £220 million additional funding to help places across the UK prepare for the introduction of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

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