Local London > Data warehouse

Welcome to the Data Warehouse

Our Data Warehouse includes a number of interactive data dashboards that can be used alongside our written reports and strategies to provide an on-going and current picture of key data indicators for our sub-region. The data tool has been designed to support Local London, our partner local authorities and wider partners to access the latest data and intelligence on key issues and priorities across our sub-region and in our individual boroughs to support their planning and delivery.

How to use the Local London Data Warehouse

You can view the Data Warehouse in full screen by pressing the diagonal arrows on the bottom right. Click on the Local London logo on the Data Warehouse to return to its homepage. For more tips, please see our user guide. Or watch our Youtube video exploring the Data warehouse.

The Local London Data Warehouse

The Local London Data Warehouse has been designed and developed by Local London with support from University of East London.

Our Data Warehouse brings a wide range of data and intelligence together in one place, and provides insights into:

  • Key topic areas across our sub-region including, Demographics & Community, Jobs and Employment, Skills & Education, Green Economy and Transport, and Business & Economy, which are presented in a series of grouped dashboards to enable fast access to data on priority areas of work
  • Core DfE Skills Indicators used for Local Skills Reports and Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) under the LSIP headings: Local Landscape, Skills supply, and Skills demand to support the development of the Local London LSIP in 2022/23
    The Data Warehouse incorporates data from a range of official published secondary data sources, GLA data and EMSI data. Dashboards are updated whenever new data is available so you are always accessing the most recent, published data.

The Data Warehouse is published as a Microsoft PowerBI interactive warehouse which presents the data in a graphical format which is easy to use and to interpret.