Local London > Resources

Local London and Levelling Up – The role of East and North London in Local, Regional and National growth


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Resource description

  • The Local London subregion – comprising the boroughs in East and North East London – presents a clear problematisation of the often-presented view of London as a universally prosperous economic monolith.
  • As well as sharing many of the challenges felt by areas often described as ‘left behind’ and seen as the key targets for levelling up, the area also shares many of the UK Government’s priorities encompassed in the levelling up agenda and broader push to build back better, with tangible opportunities within the subregion to advance these goals.
  • Growth opportunities in Local London centre on altering the industrial mix in the area to raise productivity closer to the London regional level, using improvements in connectivity both physical and digital to create a network of town centres acting as employment hubs for the knowledgeintensive service sector.
  • Investment opportunities in Local London include prospects for regeneration and development on brownfield sites and associated infrastructure improvements, as well as a need to double down on existing infrastructure projects in the Thames Estuary and the London-Cambridge corridor.
  • When compared with other London subregions and the mayoral combined authorities, the economic need for levelling up in the subregion is pronounced. Need for a levelling up in the quality of life of many residents in the subregions left behind communities is evident across numerous metrics, including health outcomes and material standard of living.

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Further reading

  1. Previous Sharing Prosperity with Local London
  2. Next Green Jobs and Skills in Local London