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It’s in! LSIP submission and next steps

At the end of last month, Business LDN submitted the draft London-wide Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) to the Department for Education, comprising an overall report for London and our sub-regional annex, along with those for the capital’s other three sub-regions.

Taking an employer-led approach to addressing local skills needs, hundreds of representatives from businesses, education providers and public sector stakeholders contributed to the development of our LSIP. Huge thanks to everyone who contributed.

Sarah Murray, Director of Local London said “Hearing from employers as well as training providers and public sector stakeholders has unearthed some very discernible gaps, as well as potential solutions, that are distinct to our boroughs. There are some shared skills needs across London, such as health and social care, but how these manifest in our sub-region is different to other London sub-regions. I am delighted that the London plan recognises this.”

Headlines from the Local London LSIP

Clear themes and actions came through from our conversations, including:

  • The need to provide more flexible and accessible provision such as modular courses and online provision.
  • Support for employers and employers to enable them to navigate the skills landscape.
  • Additional support for learners to enable them to achieve their potential as a learner.

LSIP next steps

Whilst we await sign off by the Secretary of State, we are developing plans for the next stage of the LSIP and how we can continue that conversation with employers, providers and other stakeholders in our sub-region.

To be part of improving local skills provision in this part of London, please contact: lsip.locallondon@redbridge.gov.uk

The final published report will appear on our website and will let you know when it’s published.

Call to all Training Providers within Local London

As well as the progress being made on the LSIP, the Department for Education also recently launched the Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF), which has been designed to enable training providers across a sub-region to respond collectively to the priorities in the local skills improvement plans (LSIPs). FE providers have agreed that the lead applicant for our sub-region will be LSEC.

If you are a training provider working within the Local London sub-region and would like to know more about the project, please contact Liz.lake@lsec.ac.uk

We will share further updates on LSIF when we can.

Find out more about our LSIP work.

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Further reading

  1. Previous More successes for SMEs with our digital pick-me-up
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