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Skills and Employment Overview 2022-25 – Technical Annex


Resource description

The Technical Annex contains the core indicators and additional data to the Local London Skills and Employment Overview 2022-25. It replicates the layout and format of the GLA London Skills Report (LSR) Technical Annexe: Core Indicators and Additional Data. This is to ensure that there is a clear narrative between the Local London report and the London report, as well as common metrics that enable comparability between the Local London sub-region and London.

We have designed our Overview and Technical Annexe in this way to support our sub-regional work with the GLA, and particularly the development of the sub-regional Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) in 2022/23.

The Technical Annexe will also act as an evidence base to support the work of the Local London Sector Skills Academies, and the Green Local London Jobs and Skills Partnership.

There are 26 core DfE indicators used in Local Skills Reports and LSIPs, and we have added an additional four Local London indicators, making a total of 30 indicators.

Annex A

Annex A summarises and provides the narrative for a set of core indicators outlined by the GLA in the London LSR. These core indicators are split into the four DfE themed headings:

  • Local Landscape.
  • Skills Supply.
  • Skills Demand.
  • Mapping Skills Supply and Demand.

Annex B

Annex B provides additional data and information. including:

  • Effect on wages from adding 500 jobs on construction of residential and non-residential buildings.
  • Further education and skills sector subject areas (Ofqual).
  • Post-16 Skills and Education Act (2022).

Please refer to the Local London Data Warehouse for the most up-to-date statistics.

Download details

Local London Skills and Employment Overview 2022-25 - Technical Annex
2 MB


Further reading

  1. Previous London Local Skills Report
  2. Next Skills and Employment Overview 2022-25